
e-Notebook Application

ikonka urządzenia mobilne

What is it?

e-Notebook is a database application supporting the management of equipment documentation. The application has proven to be very effective in foundries, but the system can be successfully used in other production sectors that use complex and expensive equipment whose documentation stores information about modifications and periodic inspections (or other maintenance standards).

What is the purpose of the e-Notebook application?

The application was created to replace traditional methods of keeping equipment documentation into electronic form.

By transferring the documentation to a computer's memory, it became centralized. It is available to many people at once without the risk of loss or destruction. The program can be used using desktop computers and mobile devices, e.g. tablets, which can act as terminals available in the plant's production areas.

The electronic form allows for proper organization of data, performing searches, preparing analytical reports, as well as supervising the equipment livetime process (e.g. required approval path).

Screenshots from the e-Notebook application


of using the e-Notebook Application

Our system enables, among others:

  • Organizing and digitizing mold documentation
  • Oversee/schedule of technical inspections
  • Tracing the history of molds according to types and specific items
  • Change management (modifications, repairs, etc.) of molds

Its features include:

  • Use of modern and safe client/server tools
  • Reports and analyses
  • Monitoring of the process and approval path
  • Integration with LDAP / Active Directory
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